If you’re a frequent user of Yeadon Way, there could be some inconvenience headed your way in late 2019. The road which was closed in 2014 for maintenance may be shut again in 2019 for the work to be completed. A bid of up to £3.5 million is to be placed for carrying out ‘essential’ work on another part of the road by the Blackpool Council. According to a report, there are plans underway to apply for funding from the government from the National Productivity Investment Fund. The report states that the road is essential to future investment in the resort.
According to the transport policy manager at Blackpool Council, Jeremy Walker, the local economy needs Yeadon Way to function since it’s the only direct link from the M55 to the resort coach parks. He also stated that the main issues being faced are with the geology in the area and the materials used because settlement has turned out to be an issue and the road is looking distressed. The work, he says, will prevent an unplanned road closure and that the upgrades will ensure future job opportunities and economic growth are protected.
The deputy leader of Blackpool Council, Gillian Campbell has stated that while the road can still be driven over at the moment, major repairs will be necessary soon. The bid, he said, would allow them to secure most of the money need for the work early and this would then be used when needed in the latter part of 2019. He also added that they are keen to avoid a major disruption of road transport which may be the case since there are many road projects that have been scheduled over the next two years which is why they’ll be carrying out this project once most of the other scheduled work has been completed.
A bid of £4.3 to £5 million has also been submitted by the Lancashire County Council who are also submitting another bid. The money, in this case, is intended to fund part of the new road that is to link St Annes with the M55. According to the report given to the committee, at the moment, there is no direct modern road linking St Annes and the M55 motorway. The report states that the road will bring housing growth along with job opportunities. The total cost of the road is supposed to be £21m.