Following the Grenfell Tower block tragedy, a group of thoughtful pupils from St Johns School and Sidmouth Primary School have decided to hold a fundraiser to help those who were affected. Sidmouth Primary School will be having its annual fair tomorrow during which it will hold a toy sale, an idea that was proposed by William Beach, a six-year-old in the school. William is a year two pupil and also a member of the school council. His aim is to help the children who lost their toys in the fire.
According to William’s parents, Rob and Emma, William wanted to help after he saw the news about the fire and had initially thought of sending toys to the victim but some of his teachers had explained that it would be more helpful to raise some money instead. The parents thanked the school for their support and advice and they said that thanks to the school, William will be able to make a difference and the people affected by the fire will also know that people from all over the country have them in their thoughts. The parents explain that William really wanted to get teddy bears for the children that were affected so they could have something to hug.
Toys were donated by classmates who didn’t need them anymore and the proceeds from the sale went to the victims of the fire. Oscar Ashford, a five-year-old at the nearby St John’s School went to his head teacher, Mike Burgess, and discussed hosting a non-uniform day in the junior school. Oscar, who’s only in year one, said that he wanted to help those who’d been affected and lost everything. According to the boy’s mother, he was quite concerned when he saw what was happening and he was wondering what could become of the people once the cameras went away and people were still in need of help.
For the non-uniform day, the students donate £1 in order to come to school in their home clothes and the money collected will go towards helping the victims of the fire. The Head teacher has stated that the day was arranged thanks to the efforts of the year one pupil. She explains that back when she was in his position, she wouldn’t have had the confidence to approach the head teacher to talk about helping people in such a situation.